Monday, January 14, 2008

Sundance '08

I have decided (partly in honor of a Hunter S Thompson doc playing the festival) to do a bit of Gonzo journalism and try to joy down this thing as it happens and translate it here to my blog. There may be 5 entries a day or only one a week- I just don;t know at this point. But we will see.

As I type away this first blog I am enjoying a cup of hot apple cider that was handed to me from a fellow traveler from- Australia or maybe the UK- I can't tell, he was a mumbler. I'm by a fire in my hostel- that's right dammit, I said hostel- in park city. Katie is with me and although we have to stay in men's an women's dorms, we are both in very good spirits.

and now begins the random scribblings of my volunteer stint at the Sundance Film Festival.

6:00am 1-14-08
katie an I fly to SLC through Phoenix this morning. Had b'fast with Brune at 5:30am at The Majestic- I love their goddam sausage. Brune leaves to Rotterdam Film Fest a week from today. his film The Adventure is one of twenty something films in competition (400+ shorts screen) His luck with the US festivals has been mind boggling. (as in not too good) After he is lauded in Europe though, the US festival programmers will pull their heads out of their asses. Like everything Americans do artistically, we need the Europeans to stamp it before we realize what we have and embrace it.

I'm excited to be here. Can't wait to see all the films and stay in a hostel full of film people.


I am in my jammies. It is a cold town, sure- but it is very pretty and I have never really seen this part of the world. beautiful. They had a ski lift lit up for night skiing. that's nuts. Katie and I walked around for a little while an then ate at a pizza joint. I once saw a little sign in a pizza place that read "Pizza is like sex, even when it's bad- it's still pretty good." Well, let me say that the man who wrote that has never eaten what they pass for pizza in park city and he probably never got properly fucked either. no such thing as bad pizza or bad sex....gimme a break.

tomorrow I get to see a movie, maybe 2. I will write about them.

Katie just asked the front desk clerk about how many people are killed by icicles. they said they didn't know but I saw those fuckers today and they could kill an elephant


Lynn said...

You've already sold 10,000 copies of Blood Car?! That's a hell of a lot for a film with no studio backing. Keep believing in yourself -- have fun at Sundance and good luck in L.A. Lynn.

Rebecca said...

I saw that sign about sex and pizza is in Rosa's pizza on Broad street at Ga State. You might have seen it somewhere else though...