Friday, January 18, 2008


At the volunteer screening last night I got to see what MUST be the breakout doc at this year's festival- ANVIL! THE TRUE STORY OF ANVIL

It is the story of one of the founding bands of metal ANVIL their leadman and drummer. The movie has the same feel as The King of Kong in that you just want them to win so bad. (on a side note- it is a shame that the widest release King of Kong got was 58 screens- it only grossed $700k) The filmmaking is simple and doesn't interfere with how awesome/entertaining/passionate the subjects and their journey to be rockstars is. The band has been together for 30 years and they were pretty famous in 1982 and they just faded away. This is their big album METAL ON METAL:

I tell you- I laughed my ass off and I cried a couple times. It was a movie experience, which is what we all want. I don't want to tell you too much because every asskicking second of this doc rocks. And of course the music is all metal. We got some pics of Anvil and director Sasha

Guess which one is the Director

katie and Anvil

I also saw Mermaid a Russian film about a girl growing up. It was really a film that felt like it was made for 14 year old girls. It had some really cool things in it, but as a Not for me.

It was shot very well and had some good performances in it but was really just too long and I never really cared. It felt like a bunch of never-fully-realized scenes and images strung together. Narrative storytelling was not the main focus of this film, I know- and which is fine- but the film still never really grabbed me. The film does have a section that is full of hot Russian models, not that that makes a movie but it is worth mentioning. There was also a ton of positive reinforcement for the lead character (who was good, and interesting to watch) from random advertisements all over Moscow. That was a new one on me.


Time to go to work now, snowing like a sunnofabitch- I wrote this blog but did not post until both these films premiered.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will read from time to time for that.anvil clothing