Sunday, January 18, 2009


I'm tired, so I'm not gonna spend too much time on the movies I wasn't into.

but i was into THE CARTER this film reminds me of Bunuel's LAND WITHOUT BREAD- the film seems like a rock (rap) doc. people get loaded and see an artist behind the scenes. Big whoop...right? and that's what I was thinking half way through the movie...i looked at Katie and said, "this is trash" then the film turned. It turns against the audience that would normally pay to see it after getting high, turns against fans of Little Wayne and turns into a wonderful doc. As equally subversive as Bunuel's "doc" The Carter goes from simple glamour of a rap star that makes prolific amounts of music (at least 2 tracks a day) to a look into a man hiding from himself and his fame in drug use and making music. Wayne is an unhappy man addicted to "Syrup" which is a combination made up chiefly of promethazine and codeine and is the same shit that killed Pimp C of UGK. So the film becomes about addiction, but not overtly- i honestly don;t think the audience really grasped it. The film is set against the backdrop of Wayne's last album going Platinum in a week- which means that this crazy drug addict (whom I really enjoy watching- he's fucking great) is INSANELY popular with all of America's youth. The film has a wonderfully edited scene of concert footage that was built to scare the shit out of white america. Bravo, Adam Bhala Lough- that dip shit crowd at Eccles may have tried to give you flak at the Q&A, but you've made a music doc that can stand up against any that I have seen. This is subversive doc filmmaking that may get a pan from rap fans and even from critics- but fuck that. this is the best film I've seen at Sundance so far. The director did snap back at a few dickhead questions, which was sweet.

here's the rest from the last 2 days.

500 Days of Summer
even though this films steals so much from Annie Hall- I still enjoyed watching it. there are a few missteps (FYI: BAD BAD BERGMAN PARODY IS FOR FILM SCHOOL) but also some wonderful scenes that made me laugh my stupid face off. Joseph Gordon Levitt is great, and just keeps getting better film to film. I really like that kid and have enjoyed watching him grow into a great leading man. He keeps control of this film the entire time despite of some cliche storypoints and scenes that need to be dropped on the floor. But all in all, a really great first feature from Marc Webb.


This movie sucks. The plot gun goes BANG BANG- it's like daytime TV. Melodrama, bad scenes, telling me about things I should see. Sappy, I-hope-they-cry horseshit. Paul Haggis type trash to be honest. I was in hell during this film. But most people seemed to love it, I was surrounded by blubbering in sniffling. next time you see me, let me recount the film for you- it's funny because you can't believe that all the shit in this movie could be written, and then actually shot.

I really wanted to like this film. Technically is pretty fucking cool. The idea sounds great. Sam Rockwell is a moon farmer- of sorts- and he's the only human there for 3 years. And he starts to go bananas, then he bumps his head. Sounds good, could be creepy. But it goes in a direction that kept me from giving a damn about anything. Fucking clones. But Sam Rockwell does a good job with the film, and its REALLY PRETTY, nice Clint Mansell score- it's just not on the page.

is another great doc. ultra personal, very moving- heartbreaking. It is about suicide and mental illness in the filmmakers oldest son. It really hit home to me. See it.

The Missing Person

just watch this goddam trailer

doesn;t that look great? all the elements are there for me. Dark Cruddy film noir, Michael Shannon (OH, who is in a coma in The Greatest, yeah put him in a coma- great idea to use him that way....WTF?) and Amy Adams. Well the movie falls short. Broke my heart- but it is a snoozer with a few good scenes. and an ending that baffles me. what a shame.


this is not a bad film, but its not that great either. I want something more challenging from these Mexican wonderkids (the company Cha Cha Cha, Cuaron, Del Toro and Inaritu) the writer direct did have a funny quote about the end "If these guys came out on top, they wouldn't be Mexican."

what else...oh Prom in Mississippi.....i hate this doc. should be 10 minutes but its a feature. what toture. I'll go into detail later. soooooooo tired. I don't want to link to this film or do anything that may extend it's shelf life. It needs to quickly go into obscurity and be forgotten. What.....a.......dump- this film took on the screen. Just flat out amateur hour.


tenxfilms said...

Hey Alex, have you seen that teaser trailer for 500 Days of Summer yet? It sounds like the original Star Wars trailer or something.

Keep the reviews coming dude.

Herzog said...

people who parody bergman are film school hacks. agreed. oh wait...