So in LA the eggs are really expensive compared to Atlanta, BUT chicken by the pound is cheaper.....I'll let you process the bad jokes and witty observations there
I worked 3 days.
Day one of work:
I tried to take part in a Pharmaceutical study on Asthma- I failed the admittance and was paid $100
here is a picture of the device that cost me the other $1900
and that was just great. I set up some tables and wandered around.
Here a the only pic from set
I can show you because of said 'disclosure agreement'
I have been trying to get around LA on the metro...HAHAHA that's a joke- Although after seeing this station full of- what looks to me like- people jumping from art, I will have to do a tour of metro stations. because my camera phone didn;t do this justice
I have been trying to buy a car through craigslist and the classifieds. Buying a car in LA is like negotiations at the UN- it takes translators, bizarre rituals and customs get in the way, people have old grudges from generations back- it's a diplomatic mess. But I have seen many parts of the city and had conversations (or conversations with translating relatives) that reach the ears of discerning Russians, groggy Armenians and many Mexicans-who are all so remarkably agreeable. Its a pretty good time actually. I feel like Kissinger
I have learned that NYC is a pizza town, ATL is a wing town and LA is a burger town. So let me give you my burger report- its weak now, but it will grow.
Tommy's Original: burger with lot's of shit and chili....awesome. here's a pic
In N Out Burger- I Love it. Double cheese burger 'animal style' -there's some kind of bullshit secret menu and animal style is on it...its good. The fries kinda suck though
One more thing. People of LA, please stop being douche bag's to me. what's the deal here? I ask this guy what street I'm on today because I'm lost- he says "what did that sign say?" He was like 70 years old. Just douching out on me. There are so many instances in you people giving me the high hat that I can't even count them. But just to set it striaght LA people: you can't drive for shit, you're not half as important as you act and the grocery store is not the place t dress like a hooker to be "discovered"
I will try what I would normally do anywhere else tomorrow- I will test just how easy the people of LA like conflict. They seem to invite it with their asshole faces and attitudes- so I will respond to your jackass antics with my normal smart-ass, make you red-in-the-face-mad comments and taunts. There's no way these fuckers will swing on people faster than rednecks will....I just hope that rednecks don't drive BMWs and have ponytails here
Lubitsche double feature: Trouble in Paradise (amazing) and another of his (eh)
Mario Bava double feature: this guy is Russ Myers/Argento awesome, check him out they are showing a gaggle of his films at the Egyptian
4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days- if I have to tell you that you should try to go see the Palme D'Or winner then you should just have another Cheeto and look for Road House on TBS. it is fucking great (4 Months and Road House) seriously- it was a big screen experience
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