Thursday, May 22, 2008

Indy! Blaxploitation! Blood Car Hipster T's

Its a good week that started pretty crappy.

Day one of this week: I go to sleep and wake up and someone just went to the main breakers and cut off my power (WTF? right?) then I go out to my car- when I parked it the day before, it was fine- but that day they installed parking meters and I had a ticket- WHAT A JIP, L.A.!

I was pretty let down so I bought some Blaxploitation DVDs (Black Ceasar, Shaft in Africa, The Black Klansmen, Hit Man, Soul Man and I got The Education of Sonny Carson- which is an amazing film) I know what you're thinking- why all the 70's soul flicks, Alex? Because I am starting to do research for the next retarded movie- which will have Blaxploitation and other race elements-(handled tastelessly), Banditos and some kind of Frankenstein thing going for it- I don't want to jump the gun or anything BUT THIS FILM IS GOING TO BLOW YOUR MIND HOLE OUT YOU'RE EAR HOLE

I also may get a job of some kind with some kind of writing of some kind of something. -official press release, ho's- so that's good news

I'm counting down the seconds until I can go see the new Indy Movie at Arc Light. I'm really excited even if George Lucas is involved.

I also ate some Sushi at a place called Sushi Go 55. It was hidden in a mall in Japantown, was almost completely empty on a Tuesday, was fairly priced AND WAS AWESOME. No trendy-town atmosphere, just really good sushi and a really friendly staff of people to make sure everyone is all smiles, and we were. I recommend it highly. The Toro almost made me slap someone in the face it was so good. And we had this weird Japanese desert called Moki(sp?) rice paper covered sherbert- odd (but good odd)texture and very tasty.

Today I am going to order some hipster cool Blood Car shirts to take to Edinburgh so everyone will know about BLOOD CAR in the UK. These shirts are gonna rock, so if you want one, throw me a couple bucks and I'll add one to the order. Just go to American Apparel website and check out the men's 50/50 shirt (product # ) and the women's baby ribbed T (product # 4377) I will give them to you for only $12 each- they cost more than that WITHOUT a Blood Car logo on them at American Apparel.

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