I am in Las Vegas till sometime in April and I have decided to take YOU loyal blog reader on a very special tour of Las Vegas. I could tell you about all the pretty people, doing pretty things in the coolest spots. All the lights and blah blah blah. To hell with that...
The things that really excites me about Vegas is not the shows or the gambling or the Sodom and Gomorra quality to the whole town, but it's the cheap cheap food. I drive by ads and billboards for food so cheap, it can't be true. So I decided to give myself a nonsensical challenge for this work trip in Vegas. I am going to eat the cheapest, worst food I can (every night starting last night) and tell you all about it. I thought about taking a picture of the food I eat, and following it up with a picture of what comes out of my ass the following morning. I couldn't think of a more horrible tour of Las Vegas. But I'm not sure how many people even read this goddam blog- so if you don't wanna see any poop-please say something. otherwise.....it's time for the....

I'll have to start taking pictures of the poop tonight/tomorrow. I missed the pic this morning. The idea occurred after I flushed the gorgeous turd away.
Last night I went to the Hard Rock Casino, right across the street from my TV-less place of dwelling and had a steak, 3 Shrimp, mashed potatoes and a salad for the price of $7.77
I should probably not take pictures of these meals with my phone. I need a camera for this gig.
It wasn't too bad, and I only had to walk to it. The Hard Rock is really not my kind of place.
But tonight I went to the part of town I know I should always hang out in: NORTH VEGAS
what....a....dump. I love it.
The first time I was driving through north Vegas I turned down a short street full of homeless and tents. It was like The Grapes of Wrath. And what looked to be 150 people were gathered around....something. It was like they were zombies and had caught a human and gathered all around to rip him to shreds and eat his entrails.
North Vegas is a special place. The signage just kept getting better. $1 draft beer. $7 Steak and Shrimp and then I found THE SILVER NUGGET.
During the day I can bowl (yes bowling in the casino, that kind of classy) for $1 a game. $2.75 per game at night. $1 Breakfast, $2 lunch and $3 Dinner. $2 well drinks. what a place....huh?
When I sat down in the booth, a family of mutants was sucking down desert. But I could barely hear their monster-like slurps due to the 4 young ladies screaming into a blackberry just beyond them to the East. I ordered a bowl of beef vegetable soup $1 (no picture) and the SUPER SHRIMP PLATE for $4
I couldn't even eat all this food.
It wasn't really that bad, although the roll was actually a hamburger bun for a slider. so probably no poop pics for this one